Wednesday, January 25, 2012

{First Week Back}

This week I've been busy rocking and rolling with the spring semester of classes. With over a month break from school and only one and a half days of class last week, it takes a while to get back in the groove of school and work. Luckily I have adjusted well. The past week I have been busy doing homework every night for anywhere from 2 - 4 hours.

Why so much homework? This semester is packed full of three math classes (Probability & Statistics, Euclidean Geometry, and Calculus III) and one physics class (Engineering Physics) for a total of 15 credits. That may not seem like so much, but add on 20 hours a week of work, that does not leave much room for me time.

My plan for tonight and tomorrow night is to hopefully finish up the rest of my homework for the weekend, so that I can have fun and relax the rest of the weekend. 

TTFN, Ta Ta For Now

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